Baby: Thea seems to be doing great and staying very active. She was startled by a loud noise the other day which is a great sign! Every appointment with the midwife has been nothing but good news of a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy. Her heart rate is perfect and hangs out in the upper 140's. While in Wyoming we had an ultrasound done with her family (first time for them) and she was measuring right on schedule with an estimated weight of 3 1/2 lbs, but that was back at 30 weeks, now she should be about 4 1/2 lbs and 17-19 inches long. I wonder what her birth weight will be??? Maybe I should get some guesses from my readers for a little fun.
Me: I'm feeling huge now and every single movement that baby makes is felt, where a month ago a lot of her movements went unnoticed. We went to the Oregon coast last week and I was cramping (very low) the whole time and tons of braxton hicks contractions. After that trip I now feel her much lower and my pelvis (specifically my pubis bone) feels as though it's ripping apart with each step that I take. Also, tons of burning and pain on the top of my belly from the weight that those muscles and ligaments are holding up, loads of lower back and hip pain, numbness and tingling in my butt and legs (sciatica), and a lovely waddle. Has she dropped? I don't know, but she feels much lower to me. I remember when my son "dropped" I felt a relief and could breathe more easily and my heartburn decreased, which isn't the case for me right now. Maybe she's just workin' her way down?
I'm addicted to eating ice and drinking coconut water. NO I'M NOT ANEMIC, but thanks for your concern. haha, everyone tells me that eating ice is a sign of anemia, and while that might be so, I just had my levels tested and I'm fine. I just like eating ice. Coconut water is so yummy and is keeping me hydrated. I remember drinking it before I got pregnant and not liking it very much but now I'm in loooooove with it.
I haven't gained much weight this pregnancy and my midwife wants me to try and eat more. I'm trying to, but at this point, I'm all belly.
Our trip to Wyoming was fantastic! It was so good to see Thea's family and get to know them better. Zeppelin (my son) fell in love with her older brothers and I think they fell in love with him too. We hope to make it out to the 7-up ranch again soon and keep in touch with Thea and her family as she grows up. They are such wonderful, special, and loving people and I'm thrilled and deeply honored to help them complete their family!
Zeppelin with Thea's dad and his horses. |
My little boy turned 4 this month and let me tell you, planning 2 parties at 8 months pregnant is hard work! Glad it's over, every thing was great and now I can relax and enjoy the end of summer and the end of this journey.
Zeppelin on his 4th bday. |
Zeppelin as the ring bearer in a wedding this summer. |
Only four more weeks and I will be considered "full term" and she would be safe to come into this world with little or no medical help (NICU stay, etc). I'm hoping we make it to 40 weeks but it's comforting knowing that we're that close to being "in the clear". You keep cookin' baby girl until you're ready to come out! :)
I said that this post would be answers to some questions but no one has asked me any new ones. Another time I suppose.
I will post a belly picture later but here is a diagram of a 33 weeks pregnant belly and fetus.
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33 weeks gestation. |
-Lady Stork-